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World WideWebb Land

NFT Play-to-earn

About World WideWebb Land

World WideWebb Land is an interoperable pixel metaverse MMORPG game, built on the Ethereum blockchain. Own land, and use your favorite NFTs for avatars and pets.


  1. This community is Familypretty civil and chill, so I'm not worried haha
  2. small friendly community with chill vibes, they have occasional giveaways through games like marbles, and alpha channel for new projects. Doormant dragons was a good one before it blew up - active team, has AMA voice chats regularly, games channels that does wl/nft/xp giveaways. They more xp the high chance for WL etc.
  3. At the beginning, we entered Webb with interest and love. Every activity was like discovering a new continent! Yes, we have fun! We are pioneers in this field, but recently I have found many similar projects in other places! Do some things better and faster than us! We seem to be a little behind The Times! A bit of a shame, though I will always support this project!
  4. Personally i have all day a discord server open into my screen either on pc or phone. Not say much but enjoying seeing what communities i participate into saying about things. Usually my favs are where the hot topics are or where the news are to keep me updated These days enjoying much this server (learning more about the project, because i wanna be a part of it), ens's server ( learning about the dao ) and Bubblegum's server (my profil pic) - because im waiting the merch drop hehe And some random dev servers asking random things The cool stuff is where the people are passionate about the project. I like seeing activity
  5. This is a really sick idea imo. Since this summer there are huge communities formed around a bunch of pixel NFT projects yet no 2d metaverse for them to clash together
  6. It’s so cool to be apart of this space and community as you guys launch!
  7. I thought it was a fair and loyal community but obviously it isn't
  8. So with fishing. I love it's a little challenging and the mini game is perfect. With that being said, the mini game pop up that blocks the rest of the screen feels intrusive and disengaging from the act of fishing, I suggest having a smalled pop up that pops up on top left of your screen. This way, you can still play the mini game but also see your avatar. Also, sure this is coming but a fishing pole casting animation and bobber in the water in the overworld would be dope.

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