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NFT Play-to-earn

About Aavegotchi

Aavegotchis are rare crypto-collectibles living on the Ethereum blockchain, backed by the ERC721 standard used in popular blockchain games such as Cryptokitties, Axie Infinity, and Cryptovoxels. Rumor has it that Aavegotchis are actually the ghosts of liquidated yield farmers determined to return and bring honor to their familia. Aavegotchi introduces many innovations into the blockchain gaming sphere, including DeFi token collateral stakes, dynamic rarity, rarity farming, DAO-governed game mechanics, and an open metaverse with smart contract interoperability and in-world town hall style voting. Just like the original Tamagotchi introduced the world to digital pets, Aavegotchi introduces the world to playable NFTs, backed by digital value


  1. small community of gotchi holders against the 5x-10x larger population that just wants moar haunts, moar raffles, etc
  2. I think this is a yield problem. We're all here in some aspects to make a profit. We may get an emotional attachment to our gotchi, and to all of our frens in the community - I know there's a handful of gotchi I'd hold to zero, but some of my collection I'd certainly sell if the price were right and demand were flying, and I think that's perfectly fine, the joy of investing is making returns and using those returns to better your life, the life of those close to you, or to make more investments
  3. so proud of every last one of you. it takes a team and a community to build something this incredible. I am glad to have talent like all of you behind this project and i know that this is just the beginning. good luck with the launch everyone and :gotchiLove: to you all. This is the most passionate project i have ever been a part of and you can feel it from ever button click to alchemica pickup. keep up the cracked work and lets nail this thing! frenliest community in crypto bout to come online in an even more serious way. were about to have an army of players to leverage. you all saw how much we got done with the last elite group of defi soldiers
  4. I do some coding myself but seeing what awesome dapps community members in this space are creating makes me feel so dumb xD Just stumbled across the Gotchivault and this is just one example of how amazing this community is
  5. there is so much big brain people in this community. Feeling proud to be a part of this.
  6. Love the idea and appreciate the commitment towards a compensation structure for really active members ! I think it’s a great way to keep active community involvement and contribution flowing for the long term

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